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Bangladesh EPZ Investors’ Association (BEPZIA) was registered under the Section 28 of The Companies Act, 1994 with the Joint Stock Companies, Bangladesh in 2006.

Main objectives

1.       To provide a forum for EPZ investors in promoting their interest to ensure smooth operation of their industries.

2.       To act as a representative body.

3.       To promote and foster cooperation amongst its members.

4.       To help BEPZA/ Government in formulating policies favorable for the smooth operation of EPZ industries.

5.       To represent grievances of the member industries at appropriate level of BEPZA/Government as and when required.


1.       Discontinuation of automatic 10% annual increment on gross wages of workers from 1st November 2010, by amendment to BEPZA Instructions 1 & 2 of 1989.

2.       Discontinuation of automatic promotions from the level of junior operator to senior operator by similar amendments to the above Instructions.

3.       Merger of special (food) allowance with enhanced revised pay with effect from 01, November, 2010.

4.       Obtained ‘Stay Order’ for the Members from High Court on payment of arrear VAT on land & building rental bills in 2013.

5.       BEPZIA donated Tk 2,14,65,559/- (Two crore fourteen lakh sixty five thousand five hundred fifty nine) to Prime Minister’s Relief Fund to support the victims of Rana Plaza collapse.

6.       BEPZIA has won a Writ Petition with High Court challenging imposition of tax on dividend income of non-resident shareholders of EPZ Industries within tax holiday period, which was tax free.